Tuesday 5 August 2008

What HAVE I been up to these days?

Hello again friends and enemies, I hope your well (unless your an enemy, in which case I hope you rot in hell)!

Anyways, I figured it was time for a new post, but I didn't quite know what to say, so I thought I would just let you all know what I've been doing with my time, apart from all the sleeping and eating too much. Truth be told, I've been doing quite a bit.

First off, my webcomic, Modern Slackers, is still full throttle, and the site should be available very soon. My work partners Dylan Turnbull (scripts) and Andrew Smith (Site Techy) and I (Art) are very excited, and you should be too. I mean, check out the quality you can expect:

Link to a preview, blatantly.

Now, I have been hard at work on the latest comic, which you should be able to see in a months time. Not because its like, hundreds of panels long, but because we're only putting up a few comics and first and adding the pre-made comics one by one. It means less stress really. It's been a piss take trying to find the right hosts and finding the money (beleive me, our limbs are lucky we still have them...), but its finally all coming together. I hope you support the site and enjoy the comic when its up and running, I'll keep you updated!

Of course, being a busy little bee, thats not all I've been up to. Thats right kids, I've been writing lots of my novel in progress, 'A Gruff Tale'. It is, in a nutshell, a story about a troll and a hedgehog who embark on a glorious quest in which they must save their world from a bunch of christmas presents that Santa planted bombs in. You can feel free to read that again if you like, because I'm not lying. Heres a short extract:

Brian was listening closely, as the room behind the two white doors remained deadly silent. Suddenly, his palms slipped, the sweat emerging from his glands pulling his fingers from their grip, and sending Brain crashing to the ground. He roared in pain as his head smashed off the marble floor, and his feet flew up over his head. ‘Fuck!’ he bellowed, gripping his forehead tightly and gritting his teeth in pain. Lying there, still as a coconut, he saw the octopus lean over its desk and stare at him. ‘Fall over?’, it asked. Brian nodded. Suddenly, the two white doors swung open, both of them slamming into Brian’s already damaged skull. ‘Oww fucking oww!!!’, he screamed, scrabbling across the floor, as Santa and Heezar darted out from Santa’s office. ‘What the bloody hell is going on?’, the jolly fat man himself asked, unable to take in the image that presented itself to him.
Brian was attempted to get to his feet, but failing as he slipped and sliding in his own urine, the octopus was hiding behind it’s desk, one of the many scrotum sculptures had crashed to floor, and for some reason, there was a trail of ants devouring Brian’s fresh head blood.
‘That sounded nasty’, said the elevator, it’s voice only just emitting from it’s box.

I'll post more some time in the near future. For now you can try to work out what the hell was going n that extract if you like. Obviously, it is quite a random story, but thats just the way I roll people. In the past I've worked on much more serious plots and things, but it never quite sat right, always feeling too complex and serious for my tastes. However, I was always told I wrote good fight scenes so I hope to be able to stick a few in this 'un.

Finally, I've been spending an ungodly amount of time on my drumkit attempting to learn 'Build an Army' by the incredibly awesome band, Fightstar. You see, after seeing This Video , some guy challenged me to learn the song. So I am. And I'm doing terribly. Unfortunatly, no one has asked me to learn any particular dances after watching This Video . And just to let you know, I'm planning to make a Youtube account just for this blog, to accompany it. Your lord knows what on earth I'm going to put on it, but hes not telling.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I'de just like to remind you that The Cars Are Watching Us. My guess is that my next post will be much more random than this one. I haven't had a good rant in a while. Until then,

The Glen.

PS. You can now post comments. Ninja!


Dylan Anthony Turnbull said...

I have a mention?


A gruff tale seems like a family book.

Brilliant for christmas.

Also, i like it how you didnt tell the world that you wank 24/7

Way to go for personal rights(Y)

As you can see i had nothing to say but thought i might aswell comment you as you hinted

Till next time


Anonymous said...

this is welll BOOKMARKED
