Monday 4 August 2008

I should Explan.

Hello internet and all of its hapless slaves, its nice to meet you and I hope you feel the same way!

I should probably explain the rather odd selection I made when choosing the name for this blog. While I would love to inform you that 'This Penny Is Warm' has some deep meaning to me, perhaps that it relates to a story from my childhood, perhaps said warm penny won me hundreds at the slots, I cannot inform you such a thing. I was sitting at the edge of my bed thinking hard about a name for the blog, when my eye was grasped and yanked by a small pile of money sitting at the side of my laptop. Being a homeless man at heart, I went straight for it, and found that it had been heated by the vent on the side of my computerising machine.

And thus I named my blog. Not for personal reason or for some strange form of wit, but because I really liked the feeling of a warm penny. I've set it down again, I plan to touch it again later on this evening. It is for ramblings such as this that I created this blog, so you better have enjoyed that, or you just wasted a good minute of your life. If, however, you rushed to find a penny and place it by the vent of your laptop, I salute you.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to penning up my next post. I promise it'll be much wittier, more interesting, and it'll have something to do with anything.

The Glen.

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