Monday 18 August 2008

Its been a while...

..Since my last post, and I can explain. You see, I was abandonded in the belly of the beast that is my grandparents humble abode for the best part of last week. Being old and wrinkly, they don't have access to the internet, and so my blogginess was disabled (as was all other internet activity, might I add. I went insane). Upon arriving home, I was going to post a brad new blog, but I decided to wait until the Modern Slackers site was all set. It still isn't actually, I just decided it had been long enough.

So, whats new you ask? Well, not a hell of a lot. While the site isn't finished, its not far from it. There are one or two bugs to iron out, and then it'll be ready for you, the public, to view and jizz upon. Until then, I'm stuck getting up to various tomfoolery's and playing way too many video games. The current game I'm more addicted to than warm pennies is this one. Other than that people, I've not been up to much.

I would finish the blog off here if I wasn't so unbeleivably kind. You see, what good is a blog without a rant in it? No good at all as the answer to that rhetorical question. So I would like to rant about the new Batman film, The Dark Knight. About a fortnight after its release, I hadn't seen it and all my friends had, and I felt like a lonley man on a lonley island, sitting with the Hulk and Iron Man, crying helplessly about how all we wanted was the Batmeister in our lives to feel complete. Well, I finally saw it the other day, and I'll be (possibly) the first to say this :

Heath Ledger was the eye patch to that pirate of a film.

was horrificly impressed with his performance, and during any scene he was not in, I thought to myself, 'Where the hell is the joker? Fuck you Batman, wheres the joker?????'. The plot as decent, the effects were well done and it made me jump a few times. Overall, I would say it deserves 8/10. My island now has the Hulk, Iron Man, and Heath Ledger. Batman is on some raft with a coconut, wishing he wasn't so overshadowed by the mighty Heath.

Alright, now the blog is done. Be backwith another post soon my friends, and until then, don't forget how to wear your hat.

The Glen

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