Wednesday 25 February 2009

Its been, like, donkeys!

Hello there everyone who actually decided they'd like to see what their favorite neighbourhood Glen has to say. Nice to see you, thanks for stopping by!

Well, its been a week and a half in Harigiloshia years since I last made a post, so I have quite a lot of things I could say...but very few things I actually will say. I now work at a bar. It is an annoying job with terrible pay, but on the plus side - I get to meet total nutcase alcoholics whose lives have worn down to one tiny rod of pure soddency. Thats right. Soddency. One of the regulars is a lop-sided mute - an order has never been more difficult to take. "IWHFDWB DSNK" He says. Thats "Orange and Lemonade" in normal speak. He comes to the pub in a different car every day, this bloke, and has his own pool cue even though he can't play for chops. This has lead me to beleive that he is a lop-sided secret agent with a pool cue for a gun.

I've become more tired. I find myself collapsing like some kind of deformed whale most evening, nodding off into nod-land within the nod of a nods nod. I blame two things.
1. The internet and its constant entertainment (even though it bores me to the point of wanting to curl up and die - which I find infuriatingly odd)
2. My sheer activness during the day - I burn myself out like a rabid echidna.

Its okay though, life makes up for these things. For example, the new WATCHMEN film coming out on the 6th of March - the last time I was this excited was when I was clawing my way out of my mothers womb. It was nice and all but it was getting cramped. Seriously people, read the book (Watchmen, not some kind of crazy womb book) - ita awesome. The film will be too.

Anyways, thats all really. Just thought I'd release some thoughtular energy upon thine selves, because I had an aching for a bloggin'. Usually I finish off by providing you with a funny picture from the internet, but I'm not gonna do that today. I'm gonna give you LOTS OF LAUGHS...


Talk later everyone. Do make a comment if you fancy more posts - if I get lots of 'oohs and aahs', I'll do more, but if not...well. I still will, but I won't be as kind and delightful, just out of spite.

Bye now, babes. x

Monday 18 August 2008

Its been a while...

..Since my last post, and I can explain. You see, I was abandonded in the belly of the beast that is my grandparents humble abode for the best part of last week. Being old and wrinkly, they don't have access to the internet, and so my blogginess was disabled (as was all other internet activity, might I add. I went insane). Upon arriving home, I was going to post a brad new blog, but I decided to wait until the Modern Slackers site was all set. It still isn't actually, I just decided it had been long enough.

So, whats new you ask? Well, not a hell of a lot. While the site isn't finished, its not far from it. There are one or two bugs to iron out, and then it'll be ready for you, the public, to view and jizz upon. Until then, I'm stuck getting up to various tomfoolery's and playing way too many video games. The current game I'm more addicted to than warm pennies is this one. Other than that people, I've not been up to much.

I would finish the blog off here if I wasn't so unbeleivably kind. You see, what good is a blog without a rant in it? No good at all as the answer to that rhetorical question. So I would like to rant about the new Batman film, The Dark Knight. About a fortnight after its release, I hadn't seen it and all my friends had, and I felt like a lonley man on a lonley island, sitting with the Hulk and Iron Man, crying helplessly about how all we wanted was the Batmeister in our lives to feel complete. Well, I finally saw it the other day, and I'll be (possibly) the first to say this :

Heath Ledger was the eye patch to that pirate of a film.

was horrificly impressed with his performance, and during any scene he was not in, I thought to myself, 'Where the hell is the joker? Fuck you Batman, wheres the joker?????'. The plot as decent, the effects were well done and it made me jump a few times. Overall, I would say it deserves 8/10. My island now has the Hulk, Iron Man, and Heath Ledger. Batman is on some raft with a coconut, wishing he wasn't so overshadowed by the mighty Heath.

Alright, now the blog is done. Be backwith another post soon my friends, and until then, don't forget how to wear your hat.

The Glen

Thursday 7 August 2008

Shoes and Slackers

These days, you hear alot about resources running out. You know what I'm talking about, what with all the oil and energy crisis's going on. However, I was not aware that denim was running out, because that is the theory I have come to after paying £60 to buy some shoes made of the stuff. Now, I wouldn't mind if clothes were expensive for good reason. For example, if a shirt was made of rhino dick caught by a midget. I would understand the difficulty of getting such material, and so making me pay alot for the shirt would be acceptable. I'm pretty sure no epic struggle was involved in getting my denim. Honestly, I can't tell you how horrified I was when I fell in love with that pair of shoes. £60. Mental.

Still though, nice shoes.

In other news, I finished the fourth part of a little mini-plot in Modern Slackers. I would link you to a sneaky preview, but its the fourth part of four, that would only give away the frankly shoddy ending. So instead, I'll link you to the first part. Yeah bitch, stick that cliffhanger in your pipe and jump off a cliff. The site should be up very soon, as our site manager (Andrew Smith) has pretty much promised me that it'll be paid for within a weeks time. And since I'm within walking distance of his home all of next week, I'll be throwing dead bodies through his windows until it happens. I shit you not.

So anyways, thats all for today, hope your all well, remember to eat your fruit.

The Glen.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

What HAVE I been up to these days?

Hello again friends and enemies, I hope your well (unless your an enemy, in which case I hope you rot in hell)!

Anyways, I figured it was time for a new post, but I didn't quite know what to say, so I thought I would just let you all know what I've been doing with my time, apart from all the sleeping and eating too much. Truth be told, I've been doing quite a bit.

First off, my webcomic, Modern Slackers, is still full throttle, and the site should be available very soon. My work partners Dylan Turnbull (scripts) and Andrew Smith (Site Techy) and I (Art) are very excited, and you should be too. I mean, check out the quality you can expect:

Link to a preview, blatantly.

Now, I have been hard at work on the latest comic, which you should be able to see in a months time. Not because its like, hundreds of panels long, but because we're only putting up a few comics and first and adding the pre-made comics one by one. It means less stress really. It's been a piss take trying to find the right hosts and finding the money (beleive me, our limbs are lucky we still have them...), but its finally all coming together. I hope you support the site and enjoy the comic when its up and running, I'll keep you updated!

Of course, being a busy little bee, thats not all I've been up to. Thats right kids, I've been writing lots of my novel in progress, 'A Gruff Tale'. It is, in a nutshell, a story about a troll and a hedgehog who embark on a glorious quest in which they must save their world from a bunch of christmas presents that Santa planted bombs in. You can feel free to read that again if you like, because I'm not lying. Heres a short extract:

Brian was listening closely, as the room behind the two white doors remained deadly silent. Suddenly, his palms slipped, the sweat emerging from his glands pulling his fingers from their grip, and sending Brain crashing to the ground. He roared in pain as his head smashed off the marble floor, and his feet flew up over his head. ‘Fuck!’ he bellowed, gripping his forehead tightly and gritting his teeth in pain. Lying there, still as a coconut, he saw the octopus lean over its desk and stare at him. ‘Fall over?’, it asked. Brian nodded. Suddenly, the two white doors swung open, both of them slamming into Brian’s already damaged skull. ‘Oww fucking oww!!!’, he screamed, scrabbling across the floor, as Santa and Heezar darted out from Santa’s office. ‘What the bloody hell is going on?’, the jolly fat man himself asked, unable to take in the image that presented itself to him.
Brian was attempted to get to his feet, but failing as he slipped and sliding in his own urine, the octopus was hiding behind it’s desk, one of the many scrotum sculptures had crashed to floor, and for some reason, there was a trail of ants devouring Brian’s fresh head blood.
‘That sounded nasty’, said the elevator, it’s voice only just emitting from it’s box.

I'll post more some time in the near future. For now you can try to work out what the hell was going n that extract if you like. Obviously, it is quite a random story, but thats just the way I roll people. In the past I've worked on much more serious plots and things, but it never quite sat right, always feeling too complex and serious for my tastes. However, I was always told I wrote good fight scenes so I hope to be able to stick a few in this 'un.

Finally, I've been spending an ungodly amount of time on my drumkit attempting to learn 'Build an Army' by the incredibly awesome band, Fightstar. You see, after seeing This Video , some guy challenged me to learn the song. So I am. And I'm doing terribly. Unfortunatly, no one has asked me to learn any particular dances after watching This Video . And just to let you know, I'm planning to make a Youtube account just for this blog, to accompany it. Your lord knows what on earth I'm going to put on it, but hes not telling.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I'de just like to remind you that The Cars Are Watching Us. My guess is that my next post will be much more random than this one. I haven't had a good rant in a while. Until then,

The Glen.

PS. You can now post comments. Ninja!

Monday 4 August 2008

I've figured it out.

Hello all, I'm so excited about my new blog that I've decided to make two posts in one day. If that doesn't show you how pathetic I am, just you wait. Now, onto why I'm actually writing this : I think I've figured out why I'm so unbeleivably lazy and do nothing productive with my time. There are a number of factors, in fact.

1. My bedroom is badly designed, much like the Iphone (Yeah, I said it. I can't stand them, why do we need such a vast arrangement of options and shit?). You see, I don't have a desk, and own a laptop rather than a home computer. This leads me to sit on the edge of my bed when on the porn-box, and everybody knows that when you sit on a bed, your brain gets happy-slapped by a tidal wave of drowsiness. So instantly, once I'm on the laptop, I want to do nothing but lie down and sleep. Laziness ensues. The biggest arse in the face about that is that late at night, it helps make me tired, but by the time I've gone through all the activity needed to turn the laptop off and strip, I'm not tired anymore. God can be damn cruel.

2. I have too many distractions. Those starving africans are lucky they don't have stuff, I don't know what they're complaining about. You must know this feeling if you too have many things to do, its the most confusing feeling in the world : There are a wealth of activities all around you, but the thought you must put into deciding what you want to do TIRES YOU OUT. Evolution my tits, I bet dinosaurs wouldn't have this stupid problem. And even if you do wellie up the energy to do something, it'll be telly, some kind of gaming, or anything other than doing something useful.

3. The internet has screwed up my life to a great extent. I'm up at 3AM every night, without fail, doing shit all and still enjoying it on this damn internet. As a result, I sleep through the day, and as a result of that, I acheive knob all. I could do something useful like apply to college or get a job, but why when there are so many Chuck Norris jokes and video's of the sex I'm not getting?

Now, I'll be damned if I'm the only person on this earth that experiences these problems, so hopefully the jedi in me will detect a slight movement in the force when you read this and agree with me. That feeling alone might just cheer me up a bit. For that I thank you. Frankly, I've conculded that if we were all african dinosaurs, the world would be a better place.

The Glen

PS. I swear there'll be a point to this blog some day.

I should Explan.

Hello internet and all of its hapless slaves, its nice to meet you and I hope you feel the same way!

I should probably explain the rather odd selection I made when choosing the name for this blog. While I would love to inform you that 'This Penny Is Warm' has some deep meaning to me, perhaps that it relates to a story from my childhood, perhaps said warm penny won me hundreds at the slots, I cannot inform you such a thing. I was sitting at the edge of my bed thinking hard about a name for the blog, when my eye was grasped and yanked by a small pile of money sitting at the side of my laptop. Being a homeless man at heart, I went straight for it, and found that it had been heated by the vent on the side of my computerising machine.

And thus I named my blog. Not for personal reason or for some strange form of wit, but because I really liked the feeling of a warm penny. I've set it down again, I plan to touch it again later on this evening. It is for ramblings such as this that I created this blog, so you better have enjoyed that, or you just wasted a good minute of your life. If, however, you rushed to find a penny and place it by the vent of your laptop, I salute you.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to penning up my next post. I promise it'll be much wittier, more interesting, and it'll have something to do with anything.

The Glen.